Consultancy assignment to facilitate Asia Partnership Learni…2024-10-25 12:01:13Please log in to add items to your favorites.OxfamTERMS OF REFERENCE for recruitment of Individual consultant or Firm to facilitate Asia Partnership Learning and…
MEAL Officer (National)2024-10-23 21:49:11Please log in to add items to your favorites.OxfamMEAL Officer role involves designing and managing data collection tools and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning…
Finance Partnership Coordinator (National)2024-10-23 21:49:11Please log in to add items to your favorites.OxfamFinance Partnership Coordinator conducts financial assessments, supports capacity development, and manages grant implementation. They review partnership…
Finance Officer (National)2024-10-23 19:54:29Please log in to add items to your favorites.OxfamFinance Officer is responsible for managing payments, both cash and bank, and preparing monthly reconciliations. They…