Mental Health in Complex Emergencies2025-02-13 11:21:49Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsThis is a training course for mental health professionals and program staff who wish to establish…
of Humanitarian Action2025-02-13 11:21:49Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsThis course will introduce students to the principles of humanitarian action through three modules on (1)…
Humanitarian Information Management2025-02-13 11:21:49Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsThis course will introduce students to the principles and strategies behind the effective flow of information…
Humanitarian Advocacy: Communicating the need and motivating…2025-02-13 11:21:49Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsHumanitarians work in hostile environments where people are struggling for survival in situations of armed conflict…
International Disaster Management2025-02-13 11:21:49Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsFrom hurricanes to epidemics, from conflict to climate change, the economic and social impacts of natural…
Humanitarian Resource Management and Administration2025-02-13 11:21:48Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsThis course will introduce students to the operational aspects of humanitarian response and focus primarily on…
Contemporary Issues in Humanitarian Action – Short Hum…2024-11-15 13:01:24Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsThis course will introduce students to the pressing issues and acute challenges of contemporary humanitarian response…
Climate Change in the West African Sahel: Impact on Water an…2024-11-15 13:01:24Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsThis course will examine the impact of climate change on societies, cultures, and economies in the…
Forced Migration and Humanitarian Action – Short Human…2024-11-15 13:01:24Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsForced migration is a central issue in the provision of humanitarian and assistance. This course will…
International Humanitarian Law: Policy and Practice-Short Hu…2024-11-15 13:01:23Please log in to add items to your favorites.Institute of International Humanitarian AffairsThis course will explore the development and application of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), also known as…