2025-01-09 10:59:09
Intensive Hostile Environment Awareness Training (IN-HEAT)

Why you should choose to invest in personal security

Developing, maintaining and updating the security awareness of personnel can enhance their readiness and preparation for deployment or travels to hostile environments. Investing in the preparation of personnel deployed abroad is a fundamental step for preventing and mitigating security incidents and for the duty of care of sending entities.

Course description

IN-HEAT is a 3-day Intensive HEAT course in hybrid modality (1 day online and 2 days at the outdoor training facilities) designed to enhance participants’ security and safety awareness and enable them to prevent and deal more effectively with risks, challenging situations and security incidents while travelling or working in hostile environments. Participants practice and rehearse different types of scenario-based exercises individually and in team, on the basis of the realistic and original immersive scenario we have specially created for our security sector.

Course details

Level: high intensity.

Environment: high-risk and medium risk.

Language: Italian.

Duration: 3 days as specified: 02/10 (4 hours online), 07/10 (4 hours online), practice on 09/10 and 10/10.

Location: Outdoor training facilities in Fornovo (Emilia Romagna region).

Target: personnel from NGOs, International Organisations, European Institutions, private sector, journalists, and academia.

Content: the IN-HEAT training is designed on the basis of the standard of the ENTRi/ESDC curriculum and Annex E of ISO 31030 on Travel Risk Management. Our training sector is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.


  1. Security and Safety of Personnel Deployed in Hostile Environments
  2. Communications
  3. Navigation & Orientation
  4. Medical Skills & Health Maintenance on Mission, including Stress Management
  5. Checkpoint Negotiation (Official & Unofficial) Including Conflict Management
  6. Weapons, Mines, Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Awareness
  7. Hostage Taking & Coping After Capture
  8. Compound / Base Security and Drills
  9. Working with Close Protection (CP)/Convoy Security

Optional (only for group requests):

Driving Techniques in Hostile Environment (urban & off-road packages)


A unique combination of self-assessment and mentorship, strengthens the security awareness of participants through a process of experiential learning, self-reflection and coaching. Participants practice and rehearse different types of scenario-based exercises individually and in team.

Safe learning environment

We provide a safe learning environment for the entire duration of the training, starting from the classroom and up to the field training exercise. During the training inclusion, open dialogue and interaction between participants are always encouraged and our staff is present to prevent and solve any possible problem.

Precautionary measures: during the field training exercise a certified psychologist and medical unit are present for guaranteeing the safety of participants. For those participants with minor health or psychological issues admitted to the training, extra measures might be taken for their protection. All participants are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

How to Apply:

The application procedure is available on the website at: https://www.smarevsecurity.net

Individual participants can contact us to express their interest in participating to the open trainings specifying type of course and dates of the training. Once the application is accepted, participants will receive from the training organizers instructions for the finalization of the enrollment procedure and relevant information package.

Pre-condition for participation: prior to course enrolment, participants are requested to provide a valid medical certificate of good health for non-competitive sports or a declaration of good health condition, since the training entails a certain level of psychological and physical stress.

For more information you can contact:

Ms. Rossella Altamura, Director Smart Revolution Security

E-mail: security@smarev.net

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Intensive Hostile Environment Awareness Training (IN-HEAT)
Smart Revolution S.r.l.
Closing Date
2025-10-10 10:59:09
Not required