Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming
Disaster Risk Management has become a key element of relief, rehabilitation, and climate change adaptation programs, as well as development policies and programs in general. The course offers a unique combination of knowledge transfer, practical exercises, field excursions and learning and sharing among the trainees coming from different parts of the world.
Course Objectives:
Participants not only know the concept, major elements and state-of-the-art technologies of disaster risk management – with a focus on disaster risk reduction (DRR) –, they also are able to assess the context in which risk management and reduction take place and how to coordinate with different stakeholders. They know how to select vulnerable systems of interest (households, economic sectors, regions) as beneficiaries of risk management programs in a disaster risk based approach, how to identify technical means of interventions in the light of their appropriateness related to different types of climate-related disasters and how to integrate risk reduction into long-term development efforts, while taking climate change aspects into account and therefore contributing to long-term resilience of communities.
Course Content:
- Risk assessment and risk mapping both in theory and practice by using a landscape model including detailed hazard analysis and vulnerability assessment (using scoring systems).
- Means of disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness related to drought, landslide, flood and cyclone in theory and practice including sharing among participants.
- The social, economic, environmental and political context of risk management programs and how to link such programs to climate change adaptation and development.
- Different options of fostering resilience among vulnerable communities, sectors, and regions related to nature-related disasters and climate change and tools to identify essential livelihood resources (participatory climate assessment tools).
- Ecosystem-based DRR.
- Mainstreaming DRR in development cooperation and related plans, projects, and policies.
- Organizational development with a focus on DRR.
Course Methods:
The training is based in the Harvard Case Method, which supports adult learning from experience: Introduction to the topic – Group exercise with a given case – Presentation of results – Reflection on relevance to participants’ needs and future applications. This method is complemented by interactive exercises which integrate emotions and movement into sustainable learning processes, expert presentations, and excursions.
Our online trainings are not pre-recorded training videos, webinars for large audiences or self-paced e-learning courses. They are virtual live trainings delivered by our trainers in real-time, focusing on the interaction of a small group of remote participants. Just like our face-to-face trainings, these virtual classrooms aim at tailoring the discussions and learning experiences to the training needs of the participants.
Requirements: to attend our live online trainings, a reliable high-speed internet connection and a computer or laptop running Windows or iOS are required (including audio and video). The Humboldt-Universität of Berlin uses the videoconferencing platform Zoom for virtual classrooms as well as digital tools such as Moodle. We strongly recommend an external headset for better sound quality.
Target Group:
The training is designed for professionals working in international cooperation, policy advice, project formulation, or related areas. Ideally, participants already have first plans or ideas to use course content within their working context. Good command of English is mandatory.
Our short intensive courses promote learning through experience: ‘Learning by doing’ is the most important aspect of the SLE’s training and teaching philosophy. Case studies, teamwork and other interactive methods create a learning environment in which participants can bring their own experience and link it to new topics and applications, addressing global and local development challenges. Course participants have different cultural backgrounds and professions which add to an intercultural and interdisciplinary exchange of experiences within an enabling learning environment. After having participated actively in the course, you will receive a certificate of attendance issued by SLE and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
The full SLE TRAINING programme 2025 is available under: https://www.sle-berlin.de/trainings/training-programme-2025/
How to Apply:
Please register here: https://eveeno.com/drmcca-062025
The full SLE TRAINING programme 2025 is available under: https://www.sle-berlin.de/trainings/training-programme-2025/