Manager une équipe dans l humanitaire2025-01-10 11:33:00Please log in to add items to your favorites.BioforceDéveloppez vos compétences en management pour des équipes humanitaires performantes. Manager une équipe dans un environnement…
Concevoir et piloter un projet humanitaire2025-01-10 11:33:00Please log in to add items to your favorites.BioforceVous êtes un professionnel de la solidarité ou souhaitez vous engager dans le secteur humanitaire ?…
Gérer la sécurité et la sûreté d’une mission humanitaire2025-01-10 11:32:59Please log in to add items to your favorites.BioforceDans les opérations humanitaires, la gestion de la sécurité et de la sûreté est un enjeu…
Piloter la gestion financière d un projet humanitaire2025-01-10 11:32:59Please log in to add items to your favorites.BioforcePrenez le contrôle financier de vos projets humanitaires. En tant que professionnel de la solidarité, la…
Piloter la gestion financière d un projet humanitaire2025-01-10 11:32:59Please log in to add items to your favorites.BioforcePrenez le contrôle financier de vos projets humanitaires. En tant que professionnel de la solidarité, la…
Impact Investments and Structured Financial Products2025-01-08 10:59:28Please log in to add items to your favorites.MzN InternationalImpact Investments and Structured Financial Products Master the art of framing your projects as compelling investment…
Interactive Learning – Tips and Tricks on Proposal Writing w…2025-01-08 10:59:27Please log in to add items to your favorites.MzN InternationalUnlock the future of proposal writing with this specialised training focused on using AI tools to…
Impact Investments and Structured Financial Products2025-01-08 10:59:27Please log in to add items to your favorites.MzN InternationalImpact Investments and Structured Financial Products Master the art of framing your projects as compelling investment…
Coached Learning Program: Project Management for Humanitaria…2024-12-26 17:04:41Please log in to add items to your favorites.Empowerment Learning Development TrainingPROJECT MANAGEMENT IN HUMANITARIAN AND DEVELOPMENT CONTEXTS Coached Online Learning Program: 17 February – 24 March…
Coached Learning Program on Theory of Change2024-12-24 20:11:53Please log in to add items to your favorites.Empowerment Learning Development TrainingMASTERING THEORY OF CHANGE DRIVING IMPACT IN RELIEF, HUMANITARIAN, AND DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES Theory of Change is…