2024-11-14 21:57:14
Youth Engagement e-Learning Course


As part of its 2020-2030 strategy, CRS’ vision is that all young people lead healthy, productive and engaged lives. In support of this, CRS aims to transform employment and entrepreneurship systems, so that they foster an enabling environment where millions of Opportunity Youth have sustainable livelihoods. This will be achieved by ensuring that Opportunity Youth have agency and leadership; that Opportunity Youth access quality training, services and support; that ecosystem actors enhance collaboration for shared and expanded impact; and that ecosystem actors influence youth livelihoods systems.

An important part of CRS’ youth programming is ensuring that young people are meaningfully engaged. In support of this, CRS has a youth engagement guide that draws on its youth engagement framework. To facilitate the dissemination of these key resources and support CRS country programs and partners in their efforts in applying meaningful engagement principles and practices throughout a project cycle, CRS seeks to develop an e-learning course, which will be an additional and valuable resource.


Develop an engaging 45-minute, asynchronous, e-learning course on youth engagement that provides program staff and partners with an overview of CRS’ framework and the various methods, activities, and examples for meaningful youth engagement throughout the different phases of the project cycle. The course will need to comply with the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and be able to play on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android platforms.

Tasks and Activities

The consultant(s) will develop and test content for an asynchronous, e-learning course for CRS and partners. Specific activities of this consultancy will include:

  1. Participate in a kick-off meeting and develop a workplan that captures tasks, review processes and timelines.
  2. Review CRS relevant resources including the Youth Engagement Framework and Guide.
  3. Submit a design document that describes the learning objectives, course outline, and recommended high-level design approach (types of media, interactions, writing style, testing approaches, etc.) for approval and potential revisions.
  4. Develop and present a prototype for design review and technical testing that shows the proposed look and feel for the course and includes sample images, audio, video, on-screen text, and interactions.
  5. Develop one storyboard for three to four modules of the course. We envision the modules to include: the approach to meaningful youth engagement, methods and activities, and application across the project cycle. Storyboards will be developed based on material provided by CRS and contain all course content (e.g., on-screen text, questions, interactions, script for narration, if applicable).
  6. Finalize the three module storyboards based on recommended revisions.
  7. Assemble the course based on approved storyboards and CRS’ feedback on the prototype and post an online draft for CRS’ review and approval.
  8. Revise online drafts of the course based on CRS’ feedback.
  9. Publish the approved course in specific formats to be posted on the target platform.


  1. Workplan.
  2. Design document.
  3. Prototype.
  4. Module 1 storyboard.
  5. Module 2 storyboard.
  6. Module 3 storyboard.
  7. Module 4 storyboard (if applicable).
  8. Online drafts of course.
  9. Published approved course.

Period of Performance

The consultancy is expected to start on December 11, 2024, and end on July 11, 2025.

Note to Bidder

If, in your assessment, the number of billable days needed is less than or exceeds 75 days, please explain in your proposal.

Location of Assignment

The consultant(s) shall work outside the CRS office, working remotely from his/her/their home, personal office, or usual place of business. No travel is planned, whether overseas or domestic. Meetings and discussions with CRS staff will take place virtually.

Required Applicable Components

  1. Proposal must include a course platform, description of course design (e.g., media, animation, interactions, quizzes, etc.), authoring tool, approach and process for quality management/review, illustrative workplan, and project team structure.
  2. Résumé of each member of the proposed project team.
  3. 2 – 3 examples of previous e-learning courses from similar assignments.
  4. (a) Compensation rate per day; (b) Total cost for completing the assignment; (c) Confirmation of the level of effort (i.e., number of billable days).
  5. Contact information of three professional references, with the following details about the references: (a) name, (b) position, (c) company, (d) phone number, (e) email address, and (f) city, state, country.
  6. Relationship disclosure:
    1. Describe any current or past relationships you or your organization may have with CRS.
    2. Describe any personal or family relationships any employee of the Consultant has with any employee of CRS.

Note: Applications that do not include the requirements noted above will not be considered.


  1. Master’s degree in curriculum and instruction, education, or related field required.
  2. Minimum of 5 years of experience designing e-learning.
  3. Knowledge of technical principles and concepts related to youth programming, including Positive Youth Development and youth engagement, in diverse contexts (preferred).
  4. Excellent writing skills, analytical skills, and attention to detail for producing high-quality products.
  5. Strong skills for coordination and collaboration, as well as the ability to adhere to deadlines and work remotely.
  6. Familiarity with CRS is a plus.

Clarifying Questions and CRS Response

Prospective bidders may submit any clarification questions by singular request to andrea.wilson-taylor@crs.org by November 19, 2024 [11 59 PM EST]. The solicitation name “US9090.11.2024 Youth Engagement e-Learning Course” must be included in the Email Subject line. Responses will be provided to any known prospective bidders on November 22, 2024. Questions submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

Proposal Submission

All proposals must be sent to andrea.wilson-taylor@crs.org no later than November 27, 2024 [11:59 PM EST for electronic submission]. The solicitation name “US9090.11.2024 Youth Engagement e-Learning Course” must be included in the Email Subject Line.

Please note that all prospective bidders will receive a notification regarding the outcome of the Request for Proposal (RFP) promptly following the decision-making process.

How to Apply:

We kindly invite you to visit https://www.crs.org/about/bid-opportunity for a comprehensive overview of the Scope of Work and our Contract Terms and Conditions.

Required Applicable Components

  1. Proposal must include a course platform, description of course design (e.g., media, animation, interactions, quizzes, etc.), authoring tool, approach and process for quality management/review, illustrative workplan, and project team structure.
  2. Résumé of each member of the proposed project team.
  3. 2 – 3 examples of previous e-learning courses from similar assignments.
  4. (a) Compensation rate per day; (b) Total cost for completing the assignment; (c) Confirmation of the level of effort (i.e., number of billable days).
  5. Contact information of three professional references, with the following details about the references: (a) name, (b) position, (c) company, (d) phone number, (e) email address, and (f) city, state, country.
  6. Relationship disclosure:
    1. Describe any current or past relationships you or your organization may have with CRS.
    2. Describe any personal or family relationships any employee of the Consultant has with any employee of CRS.

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Youth Engagement e-Learning Course
Catholic Relief Services
Program Project Management
United States of America
Closing Date
2024-11-27 21:57:14
5-9 years