Purpose: The Disaster Mental Health responder provides disaster mental health services to individuals and families who have been impacted by a disaster.
- Provide Disaster Mental Health interventions to clients impacted by a disaster.
- Participate in relevant meetings and activities as a member of the Disaster Mental Health chapter team.
- Participate in preparedness efforts, such as the Home Fire Campaign or community disaster education.
- Help facilitate long-term recovery for clients impacted by disaster.
- Assist the chapter in developing partnerships with local mental health agencies.
- Support other disaster responders before, during and after disaster response using staff mental health strategies.
Time Commitment: Varies depending on local disaster events
Have at least a Master’s Degree in one of the mental health professions listed below; and
Currently hold a license (any level license, including non-clinical licenses such as Licensed Masters Social Worker or LMSW) from any U.S. state or territory as a social worker, psychologist, professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, or psychiatrist.
Have at least a minimum of a Master’s Degree in school psychology or school counseling; and
Currently hold a state license or state certification as a school psychologist or school counselor issued by a state board of education.
Have a state license as a registered nurse; and
Have a minimum of 2 years’ experience working in a psychiatric setting.
Meet the above educational criteria for specified profession; and
Held a license or certification (any level license) from any U.S. state or territory as a social worker, psychologist, professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, school psychologist, school counselor, psychiatric nurse or psychiatrist, within the 5 years* prior to on-boarding as a Disaster
Mental Health worker; and Retired in good standing (with no actions pending against the license) with the issuing state licensing or certification board.
Relationships: Works closely with DMH Chapter Coordinator, DAT leaders and responders, Disaster Program Manager responsible for Direct Services.
Length of Apptmt: Ongoing
Development Opp: Disaster Mental Health Chapter Coordinator
Training: Refer to the "Job Tool: Training and System Access Requirements for the Disaster Mental Health Workforce"
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Disaster Mental Health Introduction
Disaster Mental Health Fundamentals Part I (web based)
Disaster Mental Health Fundamentals Part II (instructor led)
Recovery Services: An Overview
Disaster Action Team Basics Presentation (available on Exchange) Casework and Recovery
Planning Fundamentals
Direct Client Assistance Fundamentals
Shelter Fundamentals
CAS: Overview Video
CAS: Creating a Case Video
Everyone is Welcome
CPR/First Aid
How to Apply:
Please go to www.redcross.org/volunteer and select Apply Now. You will then be redirected to our Volunteer Connections page. Once on the page, you will fill in the form, that says, “Create a Red Cross ID”. After you create a Red Cross ID, you will be redirected to the application page.