2025-01-20 07:00:08
Gender Mainstreaming (Gender Equality-Advanced Course)

Gender mainstreaming is a strategy to achieve gender equality. It is shorthand for saying that the impact of all policies and programmes on women and men should be considered at every stage of the policy or programme cycle — from planning to implementation and evaluation. This advanced e-learning course aims to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge of gender mainstreaming and gender analysis. It draws on best practice and case studies from around the world. The course also provides the opportunity to focus on a specific sectors or policy areas (such as, education, sexual exploitation and abuse, organisational development, or human resources) and for participants to employ this knowledge in their own workplace through an action research topic.

The first half of the course will focus on lessons learned in gender mainstreaming in various UN agencies, international non-governmental organisations, governments and programmes. In the second half participants will be introduced to specific gender mainstreaming tools, including the use of gender planning frameworks, and several topical areas based on the interest of the participants. Critical analysis of current theory and practice is encouraged throughout the course.

Course objectives

This e-learning course provides you with an introduction to the international standards, organisational approaches, methods and tools of gender mainstreaming and critical concepts as a means to reflect on and deepen your own work. You will:

Acquire knowledge about:

  • existing gender analysis frameworks;
  • practical gender mainstreaming tools and their application;
  • challenges organisations face in mainstreaming gender internally;
  • how gender mainstreaming has an impact on and benefits international development and humanitarian programming.

Gain skills in:

  • defining main gender concepts, gender analysis and gender mainstreaming;
  • determining what gender mainstreaming tools are most useful;
  • determining whether a programme is gender-sensitive in international development and humanitarian response;
  • monitoring gender equality programming using checklists and tools;
  • encouraging full participation of women, men, girls and boys.

Course format

This certificate course involves approximately 50 hours of reading, discussion, weekly 90-minute live classroom sessions via Zoom (on Friday’s from 14h00-15h30 UTC/GMT) with the course instructor and/or guests experts, assignments (both individual and in small groups) and quizzes, and is offered over a 11-week period. The course is based on a participatory, active learning approach, with an emphasis on critical reflection and peer-to-peer learning. Participants will do the required readings, prepare interim and final assignments and participate in group discussions. Case studies will be used to enable interactive learning and activities. Students who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Participation. It is also possible to audit* the course. (Auditors* take the course for the purpose of self-enrichment and academic exploration. Auditors have access to the course platform, including all course resources, such as Instructor’s Messages, readings and videos. Auditors are welcome to participate in the live classroom sessions and view the discussion forums. However, auditors cannot participate in discussion forums, submit exercises for review by the instructor or attempt quizzes. Auditors will not receive a certificate upon completion of the course.)

Course outline

Week 1: Gender and defining gender mainstreaming
Week 2: Gender integration framework
Week 3: Gender analysis
Week 4: Applying gender mainstreaming (group work)
Week 5: Tools for gender mainstreaming and analysis: gender audits
Week 6: Tools for gender mainstreaming and analysis: gender budgeting and the gender with age marker
Week 7: Tools for gender mainstreaming and analysis: gender in humanitarian action (individual work)
Week 8: Engaging men and boys
Week 9: Overcoming resistance
Week 10: Benefits of gender mainstreaming
Week 11: Wrap up & the way forward

How to Apply:

Register online at: https://www.humanrightscampus.org/mod/page/view.php?id=46391 .

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Gender Mainstreaming (Gender Equality-Advanced Course)
Human Rights Education Associates
Closing Date
2025-05-20 07:00:08
Not required
Academic Degree/Course